Wedding Photography: Getting Ready Location

October 23, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Today I am going to stress the importance of where you (as the bride/groom or bridal party) get ready for your big day!

Now, for most people, this thought isn't even a blip on their radar.  Because let's be honest, you have plenty of other things to think of!  However, in my experience, I have come to find that having the perfect spot to get ready for your wedding can make for some absolutely stunning photographs!  

Also, I know here in rural Iowa, finding somewhere great to get ready isn't an easy find!  No worries, I have a few tips to help you find the perfect spot!

Dress Photograph, Newton, Iowa

Bride & Bridemaids Finishing Up, North Liberty, Iowa

Option 1: Your Ceremony/Reception Venue

Many venues (especially newer ones) have options/rooms available to use for wedding parties to get ready in!  This option is always preferred, just because of the simple fact that there's less running around and moving items from one place to another.  I worked with a wonderful bride last summer who was married at Sugar Grove in Newton, Iowa.  Their areas for the party to prepare for the wedding day worked out perfectly!  For more information on this venue, visit:

Option 2: A Hotel

Hotels may not be in every small town in Iowa, but you should be able to find one in short distance from where you need to be!  For example, if you are in Sigourney, Iowa (where I am based out of), you can use this hotel:  Here is an example of a bride getting ready at this hotel:

DSC_7855-1DSC_7855-1Bride Getting Ready in Sigourney, Iowa

DSC_7753-1DSC_7753-1Wedding Details, Sigourney, Iowa

Option 3: Bed and Breakfast/AirBnB

Also not widely available in rural Iowa, but I had a bride find and use one in September and it worked out perfectly!  Here is a link to the area she stayed with her ladies and prepared for the big day:

DSC_2152-1DSC_2152-1Abundance Ecovillage, Fairlfield, Iowa DSC_2232-1DSC_2232-1Bride Getting Ready in Fairfield, Iowa

Option 4: A Family Member's Home

Maybe none of the options listed above are right for you, and that's ok!  If possible, find a family member that has a beautiful home/living arrangement and ask them if you could borrow their space to prepare for your wedding day!  More often than not, I find that family members are delighted to help!

DSC_0395-1DSC_0395-1Wedding Details, Cascade, Iowa

Hopefully after reviewing these options, you have a good idea of what would work for you and your wedding party!  Of course there are other options not listed here, but this is definitely a great start!

If you're ready to start planning your wedding day and you're looking for a photographer that will be there to help you every step of the way, contact me to set up a consultation!  Happy planning!

[email protected]





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