Double Trouble; Sigourney, Iowa Twin Boys Celebrate Their Birthday!
Double Trouble; Sigourney, Iowa Twin Boys Celebrate Their Birthday! And they are going to be TWO! Some of you have stumbled upon their preview of the infamous "Been Farming Long?" recreation! Mom was hoping for that photo and I love how it turned out! Brekyn and Brieyr will be celebrating their second birthday soon and what better way to celebrate than with a photo shoot? These boys kept us all on our toes, but the outcome was worth it! I love their little country boy setup at the family farm! Grandpa was so helpful to get the cows where we needed them!
First we started in the studio for their "2" portrait!
It didn't take them long to figure out they would rather play with tractors than have their picture taken! :D
Then they were looking all cute in this set up!
Then we made our way out to the farm and the boys were in HEAVEN!
"You Been Farming Long?"
Being goofy!
Just like daddy!
Boys being boys!
There may or may not have been a lot of poop cleanup necessary after this spot!
We snuck in a few more family photos! You can never have enough!
Just before it was time to leave, we captured a few moments with grandpa. Not many moments will be treasured more than small moments with grandparents.
A big thank you to this family for letting me work with you guys this year! I can't wait to see what all your kiddos have in store for me!
Marie Grace Photography Your Southeast Iowa Fine Art Portrait Photographer Sigourney, Iowa
children photographer,
grow with me,
sigourney iowa photographer,
southeast iowa photographer
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