

So it's just about time for your senior session and I bet you are SO excited.

Just kidding.. I know your mom is making you do this.

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A few things to keep in mind as you prepare for your session:

- Sun Exposure: Be careful in the sun the week or two leading up to your session.  Sunburns are painful and can be a damper for senior portraits!  If you do happen to get a sunburn before your session, be sure to let me know so we can monitor your skin tones.  If needed, the session will have to be rescheduled.  If you choose to follow through with your session with a sunburn, please note that extensive portrait retouching will cost extra.  Basically, please take care of your skin!  :)

- Nails: Please make sure your nails are clipped and clean.

- Chapstick:  You will give me a good dose of smiles because you love your mom and you're doing this for her.  So be sure to bring some sort of chap stick.

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- Hobbies: If you have hobbies (fishing, hunting, motocross, farming etc) be sure to let me know this, too.  We want to include your life dedications in your portraits!

- Sports: If you are getting sports portraits done, be sure to bring everything you need for each sport.  Specific shoes and socks as well as the uniform and any gear you wear underneath will be items you'll want to bring.  If you have any ankle/knee, etc. braces or any other item that you typically wear in that sport/season, feel free to bring it!  Just pack it all.  You'll probably need it.


- Fire: If you want to set something on fire (I know you probably do) be sure to let me know so that I can bring the items needed.

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- Weather: Unfortunately weather can be quite unpredictable.  I will make the call whether or not to reschedule the session due to weather.  Chances of rain and/or thunderstorms and any wind of 15+ mph will be grounds for rescheduling.  I take my client's safety pretty seriously and taking chances is just not worth it.  And no one wants wind whipping their hair in their face for their entire session, either.

- Hanger: Bring snacks.  Trust me.

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Of course, these are all suggestions and recommendations.  However, we want to showcase who YOU are as an individual.  So don't be afraid to let your unique personality show!


I am SO excited for your session and I hope you are too!


Marie Grace Photography

Alexandra Tish



